The Heart and Soul of the Kurri Kurri Region
The Centre, located at 251 Lang Street, is the hub of the Kurri Kurri community. The Centre is run by a dynamic group of staff and volunteers under the guidance of Kurri Kurri Community Services, a successful not-for-profit chaity that has provided community based programs and wellbeing services since the 1980’s. The Centre @ Kurri Kurri offers a large and diverse range of services and programs to people of all ages. Come check us out today.
Gymnastics Club
Kurri Kurri Gymnastics Club has been operating at the Community Centre for over 30 years. Our aim is to include everyone who wants to participate. We promote a fun, positive environment and offer a broad range of activities that will interest and challenge children of all ages and abilities.
Our participants learn skills that are transferable to other sports and will keep them healthy and active at the same time. There is a link below to our information pack which has more details about times and prices of our classes.
The Food Shack
The Food Shack is open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am-1.30pm and offers a variety of grocery items to purchase at low cost as well as free items such as fruit, vegetables and baked goods. There are no requirements to access the food shack it is open to anyone in the community.
Food Relief Hampers are available during our business hours to people who are experiencing financial hardship, depending on our availability of goods. A link to our Food Shack policy can be found below if you require further information:
Events + Engagement
The Centre works alongside local groups to facilitate several community events throughout the year, including Kurri Kurri Community Festival and Kurri Kurri Carols.
We also aim to provide programs and educational opportunities for community members our Facebook page provides up to date information on events and courses happening within the Centre and community.
Advocacy + Support
We are a provider for NIL’s (No Interest Loans) applications, Hunter water payment assistance scheme and Birth Certificate Application. General support such as administrative or technology support.
If we have staff available and the knowledge to help, we will. Call our team for more information.
Kurri Kurri Men’s Shed
Anyone is welcome to join Kurri Kurri Men’s shed, whether they want to come along for a cup of tea, meet other people or help out with a project.
There are no age restrictions, and the amount of time given is entirely up to the participant’s schedule and availability.
Advice + Referrals to Agencies
We have a great network system and can help refer you to the correct and most suitable services for specific needs, as well as provide you with information on how to access these services.
See one of our staff at the centre reception or call us on (02) 4004 3100
Kurri Kurri Community Garden
The Kurri Kurri Community Garden is managed and maintained by The Kurri Kurri Men’s Shed, and is located 20 Brunker St, Kurri Kurri NSW 2327.
All community members are welcome to access or contribute to the gardens.
Contact the Menshed on 0474 285 159 for more information.
Craft Group
The craft group is held every Tuesday from 9.30am – 12.30pm, anyone is welcome to join.
Just bring a gold coin donation and whatever craft supplies you would like to complete, enjoy the company and knowledge of the other participants.
Carers Friendship Group
Carers Friendship Group meet once a month alternating between an outing and a morning tea together. The group decide where they would like to go for their outings and are taken on our community bus and volunteer driver.
For more information or to become a member of the Carer’s Friendship Group please get in touch.